Off on the Right Foot for React and TypeScript

An easy but profound introduction to React with TypeScript, with a bias towards understanding the key concepts, and building a clear and sound mental model, to set you up properly for the exciting world of front-end development.

    We’ll build a fun, simple yet representative web app to explore a few topics including:

    • What makes client-side so different?
    • State management and the usual solutions, and frameworks
    • Vanilla React, the big idea, pros and cons
    • Redux, the why, how, the mental model, pros and cons
    • Seamless and fearless React with TypeScript - it is so much more than C#/Java + -JavaScript
    • Guiding principles, best practices
    • The trends, churns, and how to keep a clear head

    This workshop is made for developers new to React, TypeScript or front-end, or those needing a refresher. Prior programming experience is necessary, but not specific to any language or framework.

    Hackle Wayne
    Between the abstractions we want and the abstractions we get @

    Often considered an instigator of controversy, Hackle advocates programming as a thinking game; he strives for simplicity and elegance, and enjoys sharing his learnings in pragmatic, idiomatic and accessible ways.

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